When Christ proclaimed, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45), he defined our lives. Relationship with God defines our relationship with others, and the example Jesus set by servant living establishes a standard of transferring the value of relationship to others. Serving is how we reflect God’s love to other people (Matt. 22:39) and model the teaching of our Master.
When Christ-followers live as servants, it affects how they live as much as it affects what they do with our lives, for God considers great those who are least (Mark 10:44) and first those who are last (Mark 9:35). How a Christ-follower serves becomes a standard of measurement for how they will be judged (Matt.25:41-43). We are saved to serve (Heb. 9:14).
Servants are compelled to express themselves by God’s design. Every servant has a unique design of passions, abilities, talents, and gifts that are to be used to glorify God, to build up the church, to serve others, and to grow in spiritual maturity. Servants are redeemed from sin to glorify God by expressing the life he has given them.
The point is this: serving is essential for followers of Christ. Its essential for the church to be the church, and its essential for the church to grow the mission and make disciples not just within, but without.
Let us help you find a place to serve. God will grow you and grow others by your faithfulness to him.