02.11.18A Life in Love: learning to live the Beloved of God.Series: LOVECategory: loveSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Pastor Lane shares a devotional interlude to the "LOVE series: a study in the gospel of John". This message aims to encourage and help Christ-followers to pause and meditate on God's truth that as Christians we are the beloved of God.Detail →
01.28.18Jesus is Our Peace: Christians live to get down and dirty as servants in the world.Series: LOVECategory: love, Servant, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus gives peace with God that sends Christians to share and serve as Servants in the world.Detail →
01.21.18The Light and Word of LifeSeries: LOVECategory: God's glory, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the light and word of life for all who believe in Him.Detail →
01.07.18The Christian Life: A Geyser of WorshipSeries: LOVECategory: God's glory, love, Freedom, Faith, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: A real Christ-follower worships Jesus with their whole life out of the overflow of His eternal life.Detail →
12.31.17Build One Another UpSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: CommunityDescription: Christians expend their lives to build one another up for the glory of God.Detail →
12.24.17The Birth of JesusSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: grace, Jesus, Christmas, GodSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: The promise of Christmas: That God is for us, because He has come to us in Jesus.Detail →
12.10.17God's Promise of MessiahSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: Gospel, trust, hope, Jesus, ChristmasSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: God gives His promise in Jesus to establish our faith and trust in Him at all times.Detail →
12.03.17Religion that Kills Relationship with JesusSeries: LOVECategory: Faith, Jesus, BeliefSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the Lamb of God crucified that He might be the Cornerstone of life with God.Detail →
11.19.17The Resurrection and the Life (pt. 2)Series: LOVECategory: God's glory, hope, Faith, Jesus, GodSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus works with resurrecting power for life in all who believe in Him.Detail →
11.05.17The Resurrection and the Life (pt. 1)Series: LOVECategory: God's glory, Perseverance, Jesus, GodSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus works with resurrection power to give eternal life to all who believe in Him.Detail →