04.02.17Set Free by TruthSeries: LOVECategory: love, Discipleship, Freedom, Salvation, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus set us free from sin when we abide in His truth.Detail →
03.26.17The Light of the WoldSeries: LOVECategory: love, Spiritual Growth, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the Light of the world who gives eternal life with God when we believe in Him.Detail →
03.19.17Saved by Crimson KindnessSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, grace, Made New, Jesus, GodSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus commends those condemned in sin with crimson kindness to believe for eternal life.Detail →
03.05.17The Word That Gives the SpiritSeries: LOVECategory: life, love, Holy Spirit, hope, Faith, Jesus, GodSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: God the Father sends the Word, Jesus, who gives life and His Spirit to live in us.Detail →
02.26.17The Words of Eternal LifeSeries: LOVECategory: love, Jesus, BeliefSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the Word that gives eternal life by the Spirit when we believe in Him.Detail →
02.19.17Bread of life (pt. 2)Series: LOVECategory: love, Jesus, BeliefSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the bread and drink that gives true life to all who believe in Him.Detail →
02.12.17The Bread of Life (pt. 1)Series: LOVECategory: missional, love, Spiritual Growth, Perseverance, Salvation, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the bread and drink that gives true life to all who believe in Him.Detail →
01.29.17Jesus: My King or For My Kingdom?Series: LOVECategory: obedience, love, Peace, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus entrusts Himself to those who believe and receive Him as Lord.Detail →
01.22.17Son of God and Son of ManSeries: LOVECategory: love, Salvation, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the love of God who gives life to all who believe in Him.Detail →
01.15.17The Work of GodSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, God's glory, love, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus reveals that He is God so we can believe and follow Him.Detail →