02.24.19A Life that Cultivates MORESeries: MORECategory: MOREDescription: More Jesus fills the life of all who cultivate more faith, love and hope by a faithful, gospel testimony.Detail →
02.17.19MORE: Jesus From Beginning to EndSeries: MORESpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: God works through the gospel for more faith, love, and hope in all who trust in Jesus.Detail →
01.27.19Qualified to PastorSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: leadership, EldershipSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus gives men to lead the church who are qualified by character to lead for faithfulness to His mission.Detail →
01.20.19Shepherd of God's FlockSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: Eldership, PastorSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus gives elders to the local church so He can lead His people as the chief Shepherd.Detail →
01.13.19Time for More JesusSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christians live for more Jesus by the gospel to bring God's glory to all the earth.Detail →
01.06.19Jesus, the Wisdom of LifeSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: WisdomSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christians walk in Godly wisdom when Jesus is set as the consuming center for all of life.Detail →
12.30.18Treasure in the KingdomSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: KingdomSpeaker: Jon GoingsDescription: The only thing that matters for our lives is the treasure of God's eternal kingdom.Detail →
12.23.18The King’s Coming: RighteousnessSeries: The King's ComingCategory: AdventSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus bestows righteousness on all who believe to be adopted as a child of God into His family.Detail →
11.25.18The King's Coming: HopeSeries: The King's ComingCategory: hope, AdventSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is our hope because even when faith is weak God’s promise is strong.Detail →
11.18.18Gifts of Grace Pt 3 - Empowered TogetherSeries: BUILDCategory: UnitySpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: God works to unite and build the body when Christ-followers serve the body.Detail →