Click here to give to the COMPELLED campaign.
The whole of the Christian life is to display the glory of the One who lives in us. God’s glory shines brightest through his love in the Christian’s life. The old hymn reminds us,
Love is the theme, love is supreme;
Sweeter it grows, glory bestows.
Bright as the sun, ever it glows!
Love is the theme, eternal theme!
Love is the theme of glory in the Christian life.
LifePoint was founded on God’s love. From the beginning, our mission has been to proclaim God’s love to all people and to teach, train, equip, and encourage our people to live in God’s love. Our aim is to stay on God’s mission.
This season at LifePoint brings a renewed focus and strategy to serving the Lord as we are compelled by God’s love!
Compelled is a movement among LifePoint to demonstrate God’s love that lives in us through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Compelled means to be controlled by; so filled that we are moved to corresponding action. As God’s love in Jesus Christ compels us, LifePoint will be marked by four distinctive characteristics of God’s glory.
First, unity will define us. Jesus prayed that we would live in unity with our triune God and with one another. We will be identified by our love for one another as Christian brothers and sisters. Unity in our church displays the love of God that controls us above all and any other competing priorities. LifePoint will excel in God’s mission as we are united in his love.
Second, the overflowing joy of the Lord will consume us. The joy of obeying the Father’s will served as Jesus’ strength and motivation to endure the cross. The Father’s joy will strengthen and sustain LifePoint to endure in mission.
Third, sacrifice by faith will mark us. When Jesus demonstrated God’s love he laid down his life to save us. The true mark of God’s love on our lives will be revealed by the way we surrender our lives and sacrifice for his mission. Sacrifice displays our trust in God to fulfill his will and work through us.
Fourth, generous giving will flow from us. The Macedonians prove that when God’s love fills a people they will give far beyond their own ability. I am confident that LifePoint will give generously out of God’s faithful provision and the generous overflow of his great love to us.
My prayer remains that all we experience and accomplish in this season will declare God’s glory by displaying his great love alive in LifePoint. May we be filled to overflowing to impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
May we live compelled for God’s glory!
Pastor Lane
Compelled is a movement among LifePoint to live as we’ve been loved so others can know the love of God.
We are the most loved people in the world. We know the One who is love, Jesus Christ. The Father lavishes his love on us in ever-increasing, never-ending measure to meet our needs so that we may overcome. LifePoint is a people marked by compelling love, to live for one glory, to go tell the world of God’s eternal love in Jesus Christ.
Christian County is the fastest growing county in Missouri for 25 years, now over 82,000 people. Many people are far from God. The growth has raised many statistics. Poverty, drugs, crime, and human trafficking have all increased, while the percentage of people who claim any religious affiliation has diminished. Jesus remains unknown to most people in our county. LifePoint exists to meet the growing needs of this city with the light of Jesus Christ.
LifePoint, when we remember all God has done, how much he’s loved us, how many new people now know his love, and consider how he is leading us, we are only left to ask, “How?” How can we not believe Jesus is faithful? How can we not believe he is working? How can we not believe he is leading? LifePoint is compelled by God’s love to follow Jesus by faith in his kingdom mission!
Compelled seeks to strengthen and expand the ministries and maximize the missional influence of LifePoint Church for the Kingdom of God.
Add New Facility for Ministry Expansion and Development
LifePoint seeks to add ±15,000 square feet of new facility space to increase and expand our ministries. First, we seek to add space to increase and expand ministries for all ages and ministries. We need to focus the purpose of each space, create healthier teaching environments and ratios, and prepare to welcome new people. We envision expanding our teaching, training, prayer, and counseling ministries. Second, we need to add office space for pastoral and ministry leadership. Third, we need to add community space for hospitality and fellowship. Necessary improvements will be made in parking as well. The construction phase will last approximately 9–12 months and will not include any adjustments to our current worship room.
Debt Reduction
LifePoint envisions a debt-free church that maximizes resources for ministry and mission. We strive to maintain a healthy ratio of debt-to-revenue that enables us to pay off debt as quickly as possible while not stifling missional advancement. We currently owe $1.3 million dollars on our existing loan. We envision building a new facility without adding any more debt to our ratio than is absolutely necessary.
Capital Improvements
The third priority involves improvements and upgrades on the building and property to enhance ministry. These will be addressed on an availability basis determined by how much of the first two priorities we accomplish. Potential upgrades include the preschool play area and the back property for groups, retreats, and personal prayer and meditation.
The following levels identify campaign priorities that we aim to accomplish at the identified level of giving. Each level includes the previous level and builds upon it with additional benefits.
Level 1 - $1.5 million
Level one will pay for new construction while adding minimal additional debt.
• Construct ±15,000 square feet of additional ministry space for class- rooms, multi-purpose use such as trainings and gatherings, staff offices, counseling, storage, as well as parking upgrades.
Level 2 - $1.75 million
Level two builds on level one, potentially without accruing any new debt.
• Reduce existing debt with a lump sum payment toward the principle from the campaign.
• Potentially make some capital improvements and upgrades.
Level 3 - $2 million
Level three builds on level two to accomplish building a new facility without accruing any new debt.
• Reduce existing debt with a greater payment toward principle.
• Make capital improvements and upgrades.
LifePoint is a People of Full Devotion to God
• We lead people to live as real Christ-followers in life...together.
• We disciple all ages to walk in God’s truth and wisdom and serve so all can mature in Christlikeness.
• We equip people to live a life of increasing love and service for Jesus and other people.
• We share and serve the gospel as a faithful witness of Jesus to all people.
LifePoint is a City on a Hill
• We testify to Jesus’ glory through righteous and holy, loving and generous living.
• We shine the light of Jesus in a dark culture as a people of hope, help, and encouragement for our neighbors and the poor.
• We serve and share the gospel to bring the peace and prosperity of God to the city.
• We make Ozark and the surrounding region a better city because LifePoint is here.
LifePoint is a Center for Kingdom Mission
• We train leaders to multiply God’s kingdom mission.
• We plant new churches for gospel multiplication in other cities and around the world.
• We go to the nations to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all people.
• We invest in church leaders to increase and extend gospel influence and impact.
Deciding how much to give is a choice to be made between you and the Lord. All things belong to God and he wants us to steward wisely what he has given us. As you prayerfully consider how much God would have you give, consider the following list of creative ideas for what can be given.
Gifts-in-Kind and Appreciable Assets
Transferring ownership of stocks, bonds, real estate, automobiles, and other assets to the church then allowing the church to sell them eliminates potential capital gains taxes and can increase the after-tax proceeds, providing significant tax savings. Tax codes are generous towards this form of giving.
Income-Producing Assets
Interest income, payments from rental properties, or monies from other income-producing assets provide sources of increased giving.
Sale of Assets
Sales of major assets such as a house, car, land, or business provide sources of increased giving.
Income Raises, Bonuses, and Tax Returns
Donating raises, bonuses, and tax returns are also avenues to increased giving.
Freedom from Debt
As debt obligations are fulfilled, additional revenue may become available for increased giving.
Income from Unique Skills and Special Sales
You may have marketable hobbies or skills which enable you to give from those profits. You might also consider holding a garage sale and donate the proceeds to the Compelled campaign.
Sacrifice Luxuries
Lifestyle adjustments can help make extra money available to give to the Compelled campaign. Consider canceling magazine subscriptions, eliminating frequent trips for coffee, or scaling back on entertainment and eating out.
Employer-Matched Giving
Does your employer match its employee’s non-profit giving? Several companies offer employer-matched giving as a benefit to employees. Through our relationship with National Christian Foundation, you may be able to multiply your giving by using this unique benefit.
• If your employer does match non-profit giving, please contact LifePoint’s Stewardship Team (
) for information.
• If you are unsure if your employer matches non-profit giving, simply contact your HR department and ask, “Does our company offer employer-matched non-profit giving?”
Should I redirect my tithe or regular giving to the Compelled campaign?
No. Your giving commitment to Compelled should be above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings.
What does it mean to give to the church “over and above” my tithe and why should I?
The Scriptures teach over-and-above giving through the New Testament biblical principles set forth in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9.
The tithe is the basic standard established for God’s people to give, but they regularly gave above their tithe annually for festivals, temple construction and any other necessary needs. When we learn of God’s greater covenant of grace, giving is a natural response to this covenant.
The tithes of God’s people have always been used to support the regular, ongoing work
of the church. Today this includes the regular operating expenses in the church budget. Though a portion of LifePoint’s budget is designated for capital advancement and debt service, this is not suf cient to support the whole need.
Above the general operating budget there are times of greater need to advance mission. As you pray and discern your over-and-above regular tithes and offerings gift, ask God to remind you of his faithfulness and burden your heart with the mission of LifePoint.
How do I make my commitment to Compelled?
On Sunday, October 29 we will gather to take the next step toward God’s vision for LifePoint Church by doing two things:
• Each person will complete a commitment card that indicates God’s leading to give over and above our regular tithe and offering for the next three years.
• Each person will give a first-fruits offering, the largest possible gift that counts toward the whole commitment.
All will turn in their first-fruits offering and commitment cards together as an expression of our worship to God. First-fruits offerings and commitment cards can be turned in before
or after that weekend in case you’re unable to attend one of the services.
What is a first-fruits offering?
A first-fruits offering is the first portion of an offering, or committed amount, given as a deposit or down payment toward the whole commitment. We worship the Lord by making a sacrificial commitment to his multiplying work through Compelled. First fruits is our opportunity to bring our largest possible gift toward our three-year commitment on the first, commitment weekend. The first-fruits offering will be given along with the commitment card on Sunday, October 29 during services.
Is my commitment confidential? Can it be changed if necessary?
All giving to LifePoint Church is confidential. Commitments can be changed if necessary, allowing you to either increase or decrease your commitment as needed.
How do I give my offering each week or month?
You may give to Compelled in a number of ways:
• Place in the offering basket or receptacles during the regular offering time on Sunday
• Mail it to the church office at 51 Riverdale Road, Ozark, MO 65721
• Sign up for eGive or automatic withdrawals at
Make sure you designate your gift as “Compelled Campaign.”
What are donor advised funds?
These are all types of assets including cash, stocks, and non-liquid assets. You can set up a giving fund through National Christian Foundation and choose LifePoint Church as the recipient of these assets to receive an income tax deduction at the time of the donation. For more information, call the church office or visit